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As the person who sets the tone for the club, you are expected to provide helpful, supportive leadership for all of the clubā€™s activities and be the first to assume responsibility for the progress and welfare of the club. You motivate, make peace and facilitate as required. Though you must occasionally step in and make a difficult decision, rarely do so without consulting club members and other club officers. Strive to show respect for all members, even when you do not agree with them, and provide leadership for all.


As vice president education, you schedule membersā€™ speeches, verify the completion of projects and serve as a resource for questions about the education program, speech contests and your club mentor program. You are an important source of Toastmasters knowledge for club members and it is your job to become familiar with all aspects of the Toastmasters education program.


You promote the club to the local community and notify the media about the clubā€™s existence and the benefits it provides. You promote the club, update web content, and safeguard the Toastmasters brand identity. Itā€™s your job to notify the media whenever your club does something newsworthy. As vice president of public relations, youā€™ll find yourself writing news releases, creating and distributing fliers, and maintaining the clubā€™s presence on the web and in the community.


You promote the club and manage the process of bringing in guests and transforming them into members. By initiating contact with guests, helping them feel welcome and providing them with the information they need to join, you help maintain a constant influx of new people into your club. You also attentively monitor membership levels and strategize with the rest of the executive committee about how to overcome membership challenges when they occur.


You are the clubā€™s accountant. You manage the clubā€™s bank account, writing checks as approved by the executive committee and depositing membership dues payments and other club revenues. You are also in charge of submitting membership dues payments to World Headquarters (accompanied by the names of renewing members), filing necessary tax documents and keeping timely, accurate, up-to-date financial records for the club. Though the treasurerā€™s duties are usually not the most demanding of all the club leadership positions, the consequences for members can be serious when theyā€™re not completed accurately and on time.


You maintain all club records, manage club files, handle club correspondence and take the minutes at each club and executive committee meeting. You are also in charge of updating and distributing a roster of the current paid membership and keeping the club officer list current for Toastmasters International. Though some clubs combine the secretary role with the treasurer, itā€™s best to have a dedicated secretary who can help reduce the workload of the treasurer and occasionally assist the vice president education as well. Order supplies for the club as needed.


You keep track of the clubā€™s physical property, such as the banner, lectern, timing device and other meeting materials. You arrive early to prepare the meeting place for members and stay late to stow all of the clubā€™s equipment. You are also in charge of the meeting place itself, obtaining a new space when necessary and maintaining contact with the people who allow you to use the space for your club meetings. The sergeant at arms also has a role to play during business meetings, speech contests and other special club events. For example, the sergeant at arms escorts potential new members outside of the clubā€™s meeting place while the members vote on admitting them to the club. The sergeant at arms stands at the door while contestants compete in speech contests to ensure that the speaker is not interrupted by latecomers.

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